Monday, October 11, 2010

My Laundry room looks like a Monday

It is Monday again, and the whirlwinds that are my children are back in school, leaving behind them a disaster zone usually rated high on the scales.

I've just spent 2 hours sweeping, picking up and wiping. Then I was finally able to enter the laundry room. The only time we ever have piles of laundry is Monday. I have 4 sets of wet bedding to wash, plus Saturday night's towels in addition to the usual clothing abuse the boys call wearing. With the sunshine, clothlines and dryer all going at once, I am sure we can get through it all today. Then I got the kitchen to rearrange, the fridge to wipe out and a few bathrooms to scrub before the orange residue becomes iron stains on my beautiful white porcelains. There is also the entry that I have ignored since Friday and it too needs my attention to even be walked through again. But we did find 6 out of 7 people winter boots to wear in there. Then we get to size coats, hats, mitts and snow pants!

Outside has been in status since the summer weather is keeping us from closing things up for the winter. I've got plans on what needs to be done. We'll see if the universe cooperates. :)

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