Monday, August 30, 2010

Hot and sweaty

I am hot and sweaty, and I deserve it. This morning I scrubbed bathrooms, sliced and froze 3 cases of peaches, seeded more lawn and driveway edge ( its supposed to rain tonight, so I didn't water it) made dinner and cookies, hung out to dry 4 loads of laundry. Then this afternoon we went school shopping. The only thing left that we need to get is Galen shoes.

School supplies for 4 kids is a cart full.

Ok- nap time

Ps- i have a computer now- so as soon as I get around to it, and get all the right software and hookups we will have pictures on our blog. Then you can see my 6 gallons of frozen peaches and tomatos and I can show off the bald spot in the middle of our lawn where a bobcat scraped away the the top soil and nothing wants to grow there :)

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