Sunday, May 26, 2019

More on Kitchen Minimalism

Besides the dishes the family eats off of, there are dishes made by making foods. You know what? I only use a few favorite pieces over and over again. You probably do too.

Much of my cookware are pieces of a really nice set my mom got me for Christmas one year. I went through and tossed everything that wasn't the set. That helped a lot. The set was pretty large- including a family size wok, that we use all the time.

Then I went through our bakeware. Now, I do bake a lot, and that was harder, so I thought about how many cookie pans I use and actually ended up buying a few more nice ones while getting rid of the abused ones. That was such a nice addition/change.

I looked at the small appliances, the kitchen tools, cleaned out everything I don't use. I still have my two waffle makers. I could imagine the riot if the kids were told there would be no more waffles :)

Then I went through the plastics cupboards- matched everything to its lid- got rid of the rest. What was left was some newer glass bowls with matching lids, a few large mixing bowls with matching lids and just a few storage containers- perfect. It all fits neatly in my cupboard/shelf with the lids on. Talk about saving time!

Everything from top to bottom was scrutinized, decided if it was worth to keep and if it passed that test, it was reorganized. I, of course, did this with a damp rag to remove dust and residue.

Then I went through the food. Old stuff, unused stuff, things I bought for something specific I never made- tossed or put into use.

My kitchen has so far endured 2 major cleanouts in my quest for minimalism. I think it is due for another. Each time I am better able to decide what it worth holding on it (ie cleaning again and again) or is not.

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